Thursday, October 22, 2009


We headed to the Pumpkin Patch today with the rest of Birmingham, Montgomery, Clanton and anywhere else you can think of. It wasn't bad but there were a TON of people there. We had a great time. Christopher played with the animals and told them bye bye and we attempted to let him feed them but he was having no part of it. He loved petting the llama which I think is funny b/c one of his favorite books is Llama llama red pajama. He played with the pumpkins, threw the pumpkins, sat on the pumpkins and fell off the pumpkins. We had a great time and got 3 perfect pumpkins that we will carve before Halloween gets here.

1 comment:

MamaHen said...

Those shirts are adorable. And so is he!

You are a brave brave woman with the paints!