I have been wanting to get Christopher a pool for our yard but I wanted one big enough for Bryan and I to be able to enjoy. I searched and searched and found what I thought to be the perfect pool for our family. Well after about 4 days of looking for it and 6 hours of getting it together we finally have our pool. Here we are getting in it for the first time. Christopher was so excited about his pool and we could not go another minute without being in it. Since it took so long for it to get up and running (b/c the ground had to be flat, which involved a tractor and a load of sand) and then the hour it took to fill it up it was later in the afternoon before we got in and boy was it cold. We were literally chattering out teeth. We had some friends over for dinner so they joined.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Pool Time
I have been wanting to get Christopher a pool for our yard but I wanted one big enough for Bryan and I to be able to enjoy. I searched and searched and found what I thought to be the perfect pool for our family. Well after about 4 days of looking for it and 6 hours of getting it together we finally have our pool. Here we are getting in it for the first time. Christopher was so excited about his pool and we could not go another minute without being in it. Since it took so long for it to get up and running (b/c the ground had to be flat, which involved a tractor and a load of sand) and then the hour it took to fill it up it was later in the afternoon before we got in and boy was it cold. We were literally chattering out teeth. We had some friends over for dinner so they joined.
Last day at the beach
We got up on Friday and headed back to the beach to get in a little more fun in the sun before we headed back home. The water was open again today so we got to get our feet wet. We walked down the beach a little ways to check out the other parts of the beach. We stayed at the beach for a while, went back to the house, showered and headed back to Alabaster. We had a good time at the beach. I love seeing Christopher play in the sand and enjoy being outside.
Beach Day 2
We were not going to let the oil stop us from getting some sun and playing so we headed to the beach. We still could not get in the water but Christopher is not a fan of the waves so he is not a fan of being on the main beach. He had fun playing considering the circumstances. Today there were no tar balls on the beach but plenty of them in the water. Around 11:30 the beach patrol came around and said we could get in the water but be careful. I moved my chair a little closer and we finished enjoying the day. There were still not a bunch of people there today and we were at the main hangout. Normally this time of year this area is so crowded you can not find a place to be. NOT the case this year. There were people in jeans and haz mat clothing with shovels scooping the tar balls off the beach. Several "locals" came and I would chat with them and when they left they thanked me for coming and helping out their town. So sad. We went out to dinner again and then did some souvenir shopping and walked down to the beach just to have somehting to do. Christopher acted crazy and we had to come home. (after ice cream of course.)
Sad times
On Wednesday Christopher and I headed to Gulf Shores to check out what is going on with the oil spill. It is so sad to see Gulf Shores this time of year with very few people. It was like a horror movie (it was about to rain so it was dark, there were not a lot of people anywhere, bus loads of clean up crew being let off at various parts of the beach) It was just plain sad and very depressing of what is to come of this area where I grew up and love. I want Christopher to enjoy visits to the Gulf like I did as a child and after what we saw I am not sure that is going to happen. We walked out on the beach and there were a lot of tar balls on the beach. There were a few people on the beach but most were like us and just checking out what was going on. News crews were there and the beach patrol was riding around making people get out of the water. We went out to dinner that night, did not have a wait and were only 2 of about 6 people in the well known restaurant. Very very sad.
hanging out
We hung out with Maw Maw and Paw Paw for a few days. Christopher "helped" Paw Paw fix Maw Maw's chair. I know he was a HUGE help :) Maw Maw also bought him a new riding horse and he giddy ups all over the place now. Thank you Maw Maw
long delay
Sorry it has taken me so long to get an update on here but we have been super busy with family and friends. A few weeks ago my parents celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They did not want a big whoopla just a small get together with family. As most of you know with our family it automatically turns in to a big whoopla. We had a great weekend. On Friday night we had a dinner at my brother and sister in laws house (b/c they were leaving the next day) on Saturday we had a cook out at my sisters house (b/c my nephew and his wife were coming in town from being on a cruise) on Sunday we all went to church and then went back to my sisters house for some leftovers. What a great weekend. Christopher had a chance to play with his cousins in the pool and it seemed to be a big hit.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
busy busy
Today started off a little crazy, I was tired and ill when I woke up and Christopher wanted to be up at 6 am. I vetoed that and he slept until 7 but then he wanted me up also. We went over to our friends Kim, Logan and Hannahs house to play. The boys had a good time and Hannah is just a few months old so she was just chilling out. We came home and played and then we were going to go have dinner. I just didn't have it in me to heat up the leftovers in the fridge so we headed out for some chippies (mexican) I decided to ride by a family friendly free festival that was going on and told myself if it was crowded we wouldn't go. We got there right when it started and there were not a lot of people there so we went to check it out. They had a firetruck, bouncy houses, vendors of all kinds, free hot dogs (we passed on those) and then the kids could go inside and play on the indoor equipment. We stayed there for over an hour playing and getting Christopher nice and tired and then we headed to dinner. HUGE mistake. He was soooooo not good at the restaurant. We ended up having to leave b/c he would not listen and he threw his hat at me and then got mad b/c I wouldn't give it back. I don't like when he acts like that at home but I REALLY don't like when he acts like that in public. He doesn't do it often but when he does he really makes me mad. We left mad at each other, I came home brushed his teeth, put on his pjs and put him in the bed and he was out in less than 5 minutes. I know he was just tired b/c he had like a 15 minute nap today but still it burns me up for him to act crazy like that. With all that being said here is a picture of what he looked like when I went to tuck him in. I just don't get it but he is just like his daddy (who fell asleep sitting up the other day putting on his pants) Hoping tomorrow is a fun day we have several thing going on.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
We had a pretty low key weekend playing outside and trying to avoid the rain, but on Sunday we went to a friends house and had a cookout with their family. Alicia and Hadley were in town and asked us to come over so we took them up on it. There were going to be other kids for Christopher to play with and I knew we would have a good time. It started rainging as soon as we got there so we were inside all day but I know the kids still had fun. Thanks Alicia for inviting us and thanks Lynn for letting us come play.
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